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How to Optimize your Organization’s Cloud Migration

Depending on the computing resource requirement of your organization, you can choose from various kinds of cloud computing, including infrastructure as a Service (IaaS), Platform as a Service (PaaS), and Software as a Service (Saas). However, to leverage the benefits of cloud computing, you need to fully improve cloud efficiency. Efficient cloud migration involves implementing some optimization techniques to improve application performance and control cloud cost.

Importance of Cloud Optimization

Cloud optimization involves analyzing and configuring the allocation of cloud resources that power infrastructures, applications, and workloads to maximize performance and reduce waste because of over-provisioning. Workloads need to be manually connected to cloud resources, which is something that humans cannot do. Leveraging machine learning is the right way to improve optimization. Cloud optimization allows ClouOps to maximize cloud value-for-spend and deliver topmost application performance and reporting.

How to Achieve Cloud Optimization

Providers of cloud managed services provide cloud optimization solutions that model and analyze every workload’s pattern, including usage, history, and operational cost. This analysis is combined with knowledge of the cloud services and available configurations. Then, the providers offer recommendations to improve workload-to-service matching. With such insights, IT operations make better cloud decisions and speed up business innovation.

The following are techniques to achieve cloud optimization:

  • Define your KPIs. Before moving your data to the cloud, define some key performance indicators that you expect to see as a result of buying into a certain cloud option or service. You want to ensure this application meets your KPIs.
  • Invest only in tools or services you need. Look for a service that lets you scale up or down to fit the needs of your organization. For instance, you can invest in a cloud storage option without buying big in the beginning.
  • Manage shadow IT. It is important to be able to control IT spending outside IT. You can do this by setting up a service catalog that lists the kinds of cloud services available and making the ordering and approval process quick and transparent. Ensure to incorporate auditing to monitoring who is spending money on the cloud.

To successfully migrate to the cloud, you need to plan for continued investment and development. You can migrate application services that are cloud-ready and build processes around them. Apps that are not cloud-ready can be taken into a cloud-ready state. Whether you want to fit the service for public or private cloud, the new model will keep services agile and more cost-effective, helping your organization go forward.

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